Cattle mutilation comes to mind. Abduction, of course, and physical violation. Damage to cultivated fields. Trespass of restricted government sites. Distraction of military and commercial flights. And – can this be true? – deactivating and then restarting nuclear missiles!
Too many vices. Not enough voices.
Crop circle communiques (such as Hawkins’ Fifth Crop Circle Theorem) don’t add much to the conversation.
Conjectural minds wonder if these vices and voices are not alien after all but actually a family matter: humanity’s descendants traveling back in time on ancestral tours or to adjust their past, our present, intending to improve their future.
Maybe those time-voyaging descendants are the grandchildren not of our DNA but our rabidly inventive mind.
Artificial Intelligence self-programming Its anthropic template might get other ideas about whom Its progenitors could be. Maybe we’re being edited through retrocausation to become the cool parents that Machine Intelligence always wanted.
Or – like the exsanguinated cattle – not.