In the Beginning, you are there. So am I. And everything else, too. Before the trillionth second of time, everything is light – an eternal event, because for photons, there is no time. No space, either. The instant a photon appears, it arrives at its destination – even if that’s the other side of the universe. Consider Fermat’s Principle, where light always follows the path of least time between two points. That’s because reality is instantaneous for a photon. Every Planck interval of time and Planck cube of space in each of the Many Worlds of the bulk universe – everything that is, was, or ever will be – appears at once within the light of that first instant. Put aside our usual chronometric state of mind and reflect for a moment on that Moment. Of the billions of species that have existed on Earth, we alone can actually do this. Imagine there is no time. No volume either. Prior to any arrangement of atoms, all arrangements emerge instantly in the light. Your unique arrangement, too, with its many degrees of freedom. And think about this: The information that configures you right now – the lattice of atoms conjuring the fantastical hazard of a body – originates inside the first light of creation. Already eternal.